Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The threat of terrorism warrants the curtailment of civil liberties Essay

The threat of terrorism warrants the curtailment of civil liberties (Persuasion ) - Essay Example These terrorist groups also have the latest in satellite imaging, in weapons technology, in biological and chemical weapons capability, and even cyber-terrorism. And they are not afraid to use these weapons and technological advancements on as many people as possible. They are not bound to honor the laws of man and of God in unleashing these weapons; but the different countries and governments trying to counter these terrorist attacks and weapons are pressured to abide by their laws. And because of terrorists’ disregard for laws coupled with their potential to wreak havoc on people’s lives, I believe that stronger means must be employed in order to protect and ensure our safety and security. There are necessary measures, like the curtailment of civil liberties, which have to be employed in order to counter the threat of terrorism. An opinion survey conducted by YouGov in the UK sought people’s perception or opinion about the government’s proposal to control civil liberties and the survey revealed that a great majority of respondents believe that it is appropriate to curtail the movements of terrorist suspects even if the usual trial policies cannot be applied to them. The survey also revealed that most people favored preemptive actions to be taken by the government in order to control or address the threat of terrorism (2). Majority of the respondents also set forth that they do not accept the idea that government authorities can never curtail anyone’s civil liberties, especially when it is essential to their national security (2). In the same survey, the respondents were asked if they rated national security as more important than the protection of their civil liberties. Again, majority of the respondents believed that national security is more important to them, and only about 3% answer ed that their civil liberties were more

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