Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Black People and American Dominant Culture Essay

* A sign is anything that could be used to stand for something else. The two parts are a recognizable signifier (form that the sign takes) with a signified (the concept that it represents) 2. According to Howard Zinn, whose voices are the ones often neglected by/ left out of history? * The voices left out are done by those who are not popular, the common man. 3. Zinn discussed the language used in the Declaration of Independence, and that used in the United States Constitution to describe the rights to which everyone is entitled. How do they differ and what greater conflict does this discrepancy represent? * ‘Our people are basically decent and caring, and our highest ideals are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, which says all of us have an equal right to â€Å"life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. †Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ * The America that we â€Å"know is a country that had slavery and still has racism, had a president who was seen as a hero who loved war and 4. Describe Ronald Takaki calls the â€Å"Master Narrative† of American history. What two assumptions does this version of American history rely upon, and what problems does this pose for the study of America’s history and contemporary understandings of who/what is American? * Master narrative: the â€Å"power and popular but inaccurate story† declaring that â€Å"our country was settled by European immigrants, and Americans are white. † * A filter through which we learn history * Leaves out all the other cultures that live in America 5. How does James Hoopes define oral history vs. oral tradition? Does American dominant culture have a strong oral tradition? Why/why not? * Oral history: documents collected by tape recorder. Used by social scientists in â€Å"participant observation† studies * Oral tradition: Usual name for verbal stories passed on from one generation to the next 6. What are the strengths/advantages of oral history as a methodology? What are the limitation/weaknesses of oral history? How can these limitations/weaknesses be supported? * Strengths: it can find the point of view of the people who originally had no voice before. It can be used to find more details that may otherwise prove what is traditionally taught as wrong or different. Can be used to make documentation stronger * Weaknesses: Memory is fallible, needs documentation to provide validity, people may lie, bias, only living people, reluctance 7. What group of people was the subject of study in Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold? Why do the authors argue it was important to study these women? Were they part of a political movement? In what way(s) did they contribute to social change in the U. S.? * Subject of study: Working class lesbians from the mid-1930’s to the early 1960’s in Buffalo, New York * The focus revealed the centrality of butch-fem roles. * Women’s openness about their lesbianism was crucial not only to the communities they helped form in their own time but to all lesbian communities which they have provided a model for that have emerged since. * They even go so far as to posit that these older lesbians and their lives constitute a prepolitical stage of the 1970’s gay rights movement. 8. What kinds of challenges did the women in Storming Caesars Palace face growing up in the South? What was the name of the organization that they created and ran together? What kinds of services were they able to make available to residents on the west side of Las Vegas? * The women faced racism, discrimination, lack of jobs, welfare, income, fathers leaving, marriages failing. Women saw marrying early as a way to get out of this but turned out to be wrong. The organization that they created was called Operation Life which created community programs that included a medical center, library, senior citizen housing and daycare. 9. What stereotypes are often associated with those who collect welfare? When welfare was created, who did it primarily benefit? Who was excluded from receiving benefits? * Stereotypes are often associated with poor people, have kids only for more welfare, lazy, can’t find work, too lazy to find work. Cheating the system, getting paid too much. â€Å"driving Cadillacs†, too many kids * Black women were denied birth control, doctors encouraged black women to have sex at a young age * When it was created it primarily benefited the white community (white widows and orphans) *social security and unemployment: excluded domestic work and agricultural) * Blacks were denied welfare (Domestic work and agricultural work) most black women ended up doing those jobs. 10. According to the film Crips and Bloods: Made in America, how have Black men typically been characterized in American dominant culture? How is this reflected by the proportion of Black men in America who end up jailed/imprisoned during their lifetimes? How did those we heard from in the film characterize the penitentiary system and law enforcement efforts to wage a â€Å"war on drugs/crime? † * Black men are typically characterized in American dominant culture as having a tendency to do crime and that the life they live is the life they chose and want. * 1 in 4 black men are incarcerated in their lifetimes in the area. However this isn’t the life that they chose for themselves. The life that the white people, law enforcement has placed upon them forced them into the life that they were trying to avoid. * They said that the â€Å"war on drugs/crime† ended up being a war on black people 11. According to the film, what factors contributed to these rise of urban street gangs in Los Angeles? What kinds of opportunities were not available to young people in these neighborhoods? Why do young people join gangs, and what do they get out of being in a gang? * Territorial boundaries, discrimination, gangs, police force forced them into this life. No father figures, police force incarcerating black fathers * They were not able to join organized groups and as a result joined a gang to feel accepted. They did that to get some sense of family and they looked after one another, and protection, fed one another 12. How were the actions of African American residents during the Watts Rebellion characterized by media and law enforcement? How did they describe themselves? * The media and law enforcement saw it as a â€Å"riot† that it was unorganized chaos * They perceived it as a â€Å"rebellion† that they knew fully well what they were doing and that it was organized and that white people didn’t think black people had the capable thought of organizing together. 13. How is violence characterized/interpreted differently depending on who commits acts of violence? When is violence deemed acceptable/unacceptable? * LAPD/National Guard: Supposed to keep the police. * Black community: Characterized differently. * Before civil war: Black men seen as foolish. * After civil war: Seen as dangerous, naturally brutes, slavery helped civilized them, seeing as a threat to the entire social fabric (white women in particular) * Allowed justification for lynching black men by whites * 14. How does Anderson define â€Å"nation? † What are the 4 defining characteristics of the nation? * Nation: â€Å"an imagined political community – and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign. † 1. Limited 2. Community 3. Sovereign 4. Imagined 15. Explain the concept of American exceptionalism. In what ways in an emphasis on American exceptionalism reflected in American culture? What founding myths promoted this idea? What two central weaknesses have criticisms of American exceptionalism focused on? * American Exceptionalism: The idea that America is unique, special, â€Å"City upon a Hill. † Essentialize American identity. Isolation from within. * Manifest Destiny: Encouraged expansion * Frontier Thesis: Rugged individualism, crucial experience, closing of the frontier, bring forth imperialism, spread freedom and democracy * City upon a Hill (society would be an exemplar of God’s will) * Weaknesses: Makes America close minded to other ways of culture or life. We believe that our way of doing things is the best and that we must spread our ideas onto other countries makes us seem imperialistic. 16. Describe how the stock minstrel show characters like the Sambo, Mammy, Coon, and Uncle were portrayed. What function did these portrayals play in Antebellum American culture? What did these images say about the institution of slavery? How did images of Black Americans (and Black men in particular) change following the Civil War? What did this reflect/justify? How was Emancipation portrayed in popular media? How were Black children, or â€Å"Pickaninnies,† often represented? What was the purpose/function of such stereotypes? * Sambo – Happy slave, docile, slave in their natural placed, used to seem to resolve the moral and political in the conflict of having slavery in a free country * Mammy – woman version of the Sambo, fat woman, docile does not have the qualities of the white woman (beauty), worked for the white man, never evoked sexual feeling, seen as the controller in their own family. Men are weak, women are strong. * Coon –ignorant black man, tries to act intelligent, dresses like a white man but acts like a fool, gambler after the civil war. * Uncle – existed before Civil War. Old slave, fond of the master’s family, loyal. After Civil War, misses slavery, goes back to visit master to reminisce * Pickaninnies – black children as animal like, always by a river, messy hair, having alligators pursuing children 17. How does the United States Constitution characterize the relationship between government and religion? How is the significance of religion, particularly Protestant Christianity reflected in American public life? * 1st Amendment talks about separation between church and state * However we always have the image of God. â€Å"In God we trust† â€Å"God bless America† â€Å"One nation under God† Presidents always reference Him 18. In what ways did the emergence of an American middle class in 19th century transform the American family? What is the Ideology of Separate Spheres? According to the Cult of Domesticity, what are the four virtuous attributes that the Victorian True Woman was expected to embody? * Body of ideas reflecting the social needs and apparitions of an individual, group, class or culture. * Women were expected to stay home and watch over the children and teach them religion while the men went out to work * Ideology of Separate Spheres: * Public: Work, education, business, economics, toughness, educated, confident, aggressive and competitive * Private: Childrearing, cleaning, cooking, seeing, submissive, kind, caring, loving, nurturing. * Cult of Domesticity: 1. Piety (religious devotion) 2. Purity (chaste/sexual purity/virginity) 3. Submissiveness (Obedient as little children) 4. Domesticity (â€Å"Home Sweet Home†, refuge for husband) 19. How does George Ritzer describe the â€Å"McDonaldisation† of society? Identify and describe the four key concepts of â€Å"McDonaldisation. † * Process of rationalization, taken to extreme levels * Culture possesses the characteristics of a fast food nation 1. Efficiency – The optimum method of completing a task. The rational determination of the best mode of production. Individuality is not allowed. 2. Calculability – Assessment of outcomes based on quantifiable rather than subjective criteria. Quantity over quality. 3. Predictability – the production process is organized to guarantee uniformity of product and standardized outcomes 4. Control – The substitution of more predictable non-human labor for human labor, either through automation or deskilling of the work force. Key Terms: 1. Semiotics – The study of signs and symbols 2. Oral History – tape – recorded historical information obtained in interviews concerning personal experiences and recollections. 3. Oral Tradition – Verbal stories passed on from one generation to the next 4. Nation (as defined by Benedict Anderson) – â€Å"an imagined political community [that is] imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign† 5. Myth – a traditional story, esp, one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, 6. Ideology- a systematic body of concepts of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture. 7. American Exceptionalism – Essentialize American identity. Isolation from within. America is superior society 8. City Upon a Hill – The society that would be an exemplar of God’s will 9. Manifest Destiny – America was superior and they offered the best. Indians were primitive in comparison. As a result America expanded westward to bring education, technology, and religion and drive the Indians out of their land and bring expansion. God’s plan to expand from coast to coast. Bring progress to a virgin land 10. Frontier Thesis – Frederick Jackson Turner: The wellsprings of American exceptionalism and vitality have always been the American frontier, the region between urbanized, civilized society and the untamed wilderness. The frontier created freedom, â€Å"breaking the bonds of custom, offering new experiences, and calling out new institutions and activities. † 11. Patriarchy – social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line. Control by men of a disproportionately large share of power 12. Imperialism – The policy practice of extending the power of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisition or by gaining indirect control by the political or economic life of other areas. 13. Globalization – process of increasing connectivity, services are transported though borders.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Clockwork Orange: Summary

Synopsis: Young Alex and his gang members (Dim, Pete and Georgie) go on a rampage around the futuristic city in London. In the book what we call evil is actually a form of art to Alex. Alex loves art itself, particularly classical music. To Alex, the delight he finds in classical music is closely related to the joy he feels during acts of violence. The State’s destruction of Alex’s ability to make his own moral choices represents a greater evil than any of Alex’s crimes, since turning Alex into an automaton ultimately sanctions the notion that human nature is dispensable. Alex truly grows as a human being only in the last chapter, after the government removes his conditioning and he can see the error of his ways for himself, without the prompting of an external, controlling force. The slang used by the â€Å"Droogs† represents the social gap between youth and the elders of society. Aspects: Music: Music in this book is one of the main aspects. Music affects everyone in a different way. Alex when he listens to symphonies especially Ludwig Van Beethoven, he gets stimulated to do more violence. Good is bad and bad is good: A regular teens would go to school and have a part time job to make money. As we would think school, having a job, working for yourself is good for you. In a Clockwork Orange everything is switched around. Basically what the young adults find good is like robbing stores, raping women on the street, having gang fights, the good old ultra violence. Satire: The dystopia of  A Clockwork Orange  has a very satirical tone. The aspect of satire in the novel is in the form of political commentary. Alex and his gang deprive the community of moral choice and free will, limiting their personal freedoms. In this way, Anthony Burgess conveys an anti-totalitarian message in the novel. The futuristic dystopian society of the novel is a completely exaggerated claim of what a totalitarian government would lead to. In an attempt to prove the point that a deprivation of personal freedoms would be catastrophic to the world, Burgess paints a picture with absolutely no happiness, a picture painted satirically. Theme: If personal freedom is a justifiable sacrifice for comfort and social stability. His treatment shows that government would rather have a faceless society that shuns emotion and motive. Maturity: When Alex in the end shows that he wants too mature into an adult when he confronts or meets Pete.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Alcohol : Alcohol And Nicotine Abuse

topic- I’ve decided to write about alcohol abuse because it has effected people in my family in many ways Definition - Alcohol abuse: Use of alcoholic beverages to excess, either on individual occasions (binge drinking) or as a regular practice. For some individuals, children or pregnant women, for example, almost any amount of alcohol use may be legally considered 'alcohol abuse. ' Heavy alcohol abuse can cause physical damage and death. Definition of Alcohol abuse (2016 MedicineNet). Retrieved september†¦ Alcohol Abuse Amber Wienberg Brown Mackie College- Lenexa, KS July 11, 2015 Alcohol Abuse Alcohol is the most abuse and widely used substance (Fortinash & Worret, 2012, pg. 333). According to Fortinash and Worret, 9.6% of American males and 3.2% of American females are alcohol dependent (2012, pg. 33). As stated by Psychology Today, alcohol abuse is defined by: failure to fulfill major school, work or home responsibilities, drink and driving, reoccurring legal issues related to alcohol†¦ Drug and Alcohol Abuse Drugs are not something that plagues the local area, it is all around the world. Drugs have been around for a very long time. Drugs have been hurting people mentally, physically, and emotionally for centuries whether illegal or legal. Some say that drugs are okay, it causes no harm, but the person taking drug. Taking a certain amount or the wrong drugs can get people in trouble or even kill them. Drugs can ruin peoples life’s. The average age of people who first†¦ Advocating for Prevention of Alcohol Abuse Advocating for individuals to reduce alcohol abuse and dependence is crucial to society’s well being. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention estimates that between the years of 2006-2010 â€Å"excessive alcohol is responsible for 88,000 death annually and cost the United States an estimated $223.5 billion†(, 2016). The short and long-term health risks of alcohol abuse are significant and are estimated to shorten the life span of individuals by†¦ Alcohol dependence is a substance related disorder in which an individual is physically or psychologically dependent upon drinking alcohol. There are many reasons for why people develop alcohol abuse disorder and they can be explained through biological, psychological and social approaches to explain this complex disorder. Biological evidence shows us that certain people are more genetically vulnerable to drug abuse according to researchers conducting twin, family, and adoption studies. It is also†¦ also verified college binge drinkers are more likely to develop one or more alcohol related diagnostic criteria such as alcohol abuse and dependence in post college years compared to non-alcohol drinkers. In line with Jennison’s study, the research (National Center on Addiction and Substance abuse, 2002, cited in Doran et al, 2006, P.1920) depicted that the early starting drinking in adolescent is related to developing alcohol issues as well as trying other illicit drugs ( Barnow et al., 2004, Zeigler†¦ using alcohol is an abusing way (Ammerman, Ott, and Tarter). â€Å"It is a chronic and progressive illness that involves the excessive inappropriate ingestion of ethyl alcohol† (â€Å"Alcoholism†). Equally, it can be characterized as an emotional and many times, physical dependence on alcohol. It is thought to come from a combination of a wide range of physiological, social, and genetic factors (â€Å"Alcoholism†). Even though both are very similar, there is a difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence†¦ independence. â€Å"Alcohol consumption in humans is the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States (McGinnis & Foege, 1993). A common abuse pattern called binge drinking contributes to a substantial portion of alcohol-related deaths (Chikritzhs, Jonas, Stockwell, Heale, & Dietze, 2001)†.Though with freedom comes responsibility. If not handled properly freedom can lead to bad decisions and the biggest mistake university students make are usually related to alcohol. According to the†¦ Definitions: alcohol abuse: it is the act of consuming alcohol containing products frequently or inappropriately (e.g. Binge drinking); which might result in short term or long term complications. It is often associated with addictive behaviors and it most likely interferes with person’s normal life balance, including the ability to work and interpersonal relationships. Alcoholism: it is the addiction to consuming alcoholic drinks or alcohol dependency. this condition is also classified as alcohol-use disorder†¦ The affect that alcohol has on an individual is dependent on the relationship they have with the substance. Alcohol use can be defined as having one drink or less per day for women and two or fewer drinks per day for men (Shari, 2011). An individual who is using alcohol safely maximizes the positive effects of drinking (Shari, 2011). Alternatively, alcohol abuse occurs when an individual who is consciously aware of the negative consequences of the substance, continues to consume excessive amounts†¦

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Bakhtins Principles of Carnivalesque Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Bakhtins Principles of Carnivalesque - Essay Example 1. Pros: Since the designs have primarily been designed for women, they exude sexuality. The woman’s sexuality has been celebrated in my design through the subtle use of cuts and fits that emphasize womanly curves. Â  2. The celebration of Life and Death: My collection is a celebration of both life and death. Life is celebrated by using contemporary patterns and forms, and yet the element of death is not forgotten. Death is hinted at through the monotone palette used in the entire collection. Â  3. Gender Roles Ambiguity: Though this collection is designed for women, the use of colors and the form of the designs create an ambiguity of gender roles. I have used a palette that goes away with the vibrant colors so that the outfits could enjoy more of a unisex feel. Â  4. The celebration of the ‘Grotesque Body’: When I created this collection, I chose to accentuate certain curves of the body, while doing away with those that are not considered flattering in today’s society. The ideal figure in today’s society has a liking towards the ‘Grotesque Body’. 5. Social Overturning: In this collection, the element of social overturning is also found. Using bold shapes and cuts, I have been able to create an aura of authority for the wearer of the garment. As this collection is meant for females, I have to able to give authority to females in a male dominant society. Â  6. Crowning and Uncrowning: The coats and layers that are present in my design collection create an impact of crowing and uncrowning. Coats are usually associated in the modern world as a symbol of the business and elite class. While coats create the whole feel of the garment, they could also be removed and thus the element of crowing and uncrowning is also present.

Public Finance Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Public Finance Economics - Assignment Example Firms based in large home markets like the United States and the European Union (EU) should pay great attention to domestic environmental regulations. In contrast, firms from smaller countries like Canada (which is one-tenth the size of the United States), most Asian countries and all Latin American countries should focus primarily upon the environmental regulations of their major customers (usually the "triad" economies of the United States, the EU and Japan). Current paper develops a new conceptual framework which addresses this asymmetry by examining the interactions between government and the firm. In the following section of the paper I examine the relationship between environmental regulations and firms' responsiveness to them providing managerial perspective on compliance to international environmental policies. Paper particularly emphasizes the environmental side agreement of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) linking Canada, Mexico and the United States. NAFTA i s a major breakthrough since it is the first international trade agreement (other than internal EU regulations) to explicitly incorporate environmental issues, and to establish a bureaucracy to administer trade and environment interaction, primarily through the NAFTA Commission on Environmental Cooperation (CEC). NAFTA and the CEC can be seen as benchmarks for analysis of other international environmental organizations and agreements. Further, the discussion of a corporate strategy framework follows with which managers can determine the appropriate choice of strategy in response to both international and national environmental pressures. They can comply with new environmental regulations, but also develop green capabilities which may allow them to outperform competitors on environmental strategy grounds alone. Green strategies may focus on responding strongly to national regulations, international regulations or both simultaneously. In Section 4 we discuss the argument that firms can seek to avoid domestic environmental regulations by moving offshore; the Mexico pollution-haven case. 1. A MANAGERIAL PERSPECTIVE ON COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES At the level of the firm targeted by international environmental policies, the corporate response in terms of compliance depends upon its expected economic benefits. These economic benefits can be high or low, as shown on the vertical axis of Figure 1. A second issue (on the horizontal axis) is whether these benefits are driven primarily by expected improvements in industrial performance (e.g., market share, profitability, growth, etc.) or by sanctions associated with non-compliance. In the latter case, it is mainly the strength of the administrative enforcement apparatus which determines compliance. For a discussion on the benefits of compliance, see Barrett (1992), Henriques and Sadorsky (1996), Nehrt (1998), Walley and Whitehead (1994). The four possible managerial responses are the following. In quadrant 1, performance driven compliance prevails.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Engineering ethics paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Engineering ethics - Research Paper Example This specific branch of Genetic Engineering is called Transgenics (Frewer, 2013). Even though Genetic Engineering has led to the emergence of very superb hybrid and chimeras species of animals and plants and, has also resulted to the discovery of vaccines for various diseases, it is still unethical scientific practice that has always violated the integrity and rights of many animals and the culture of man as well. Many people live in fear of this mysterious technology and a number of animals, both wild and domestic are at risk of being killed in the course of the several Genetic tests. In fact, much concern is on these victimized animals (Ormandy, 2011). Below are some of ethical issues. To the religious world, the Transgenic practice of isolating genes and tissues from one animal and inserting them into another is very immoral and unacceptable act. Such acts are unnatural practices that seek to dismantle the creation design of God. For instance, the harvesting of genes from human tumor and implanting them into tobacco plant has ignited a bitter disagreement religious culture of man and Science (Brad, 2009). During the transfer of genes and cells from an animal to human being, some zoonotic diseases (diseases that are found in both animals and human) may be carried along side. Such diseases include Nipah and Bovine, commonly known as the â€Å"mad cow disease†. These diseases are very lethal and can easily lead to sudden death of man if not diagnosed in good time (Conn, 2008). The genetically modified food has posed health threats to lay society which do not clearly understand how such foods were quickly manufactured in laboratories. It is very evident that genetically modified foods can interfere with normal functioning of the human body and has a long term health effect. Some individuals have rapidly gained weight after eating highly processed and hybrid products. Animal Welfare has been the main concern when it comes to ethical issues in Genetic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Report on Religious Field Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Report on Religious Field Research - Essay Example Millions of people in America and the entire world practice Christianity (Dyet, 2006). Being the most popular religion in the world, there are various misconceptions about Christianity, some of which I personally held for so long. This research gave me a great opportunity to try and understand the Christian Religion and try to get answers to the queries I have had about Christianity for a very long time. Most Christians also hold other prejudices against other religious groups, which has led to religious discrimination and wars in areas dominated by one religion (Driscoll, 2009). In order to understand the Christian Religion, I attended a Christian prayer service at a Baptist Church, where I interacted with the Christian community in the church as they helped me understand the basic foundations of Christianity. I managed to have a small discussion with a few Christians in the form of an interview to help clear some of the prejudices I had towards their religion. After a lengthy discu ssion, I was able to understand the Christian religion and change some of the false impressions I had about this religious group. One of the biggest misconceptions I had concerning Christianity is how a Christian Worship Service is mainly centered on teachings about how bad other religions are. I had always believed that Christians are taught to despise other religions (Driscoll, 2009). This is a misconception I had held since my childhood days during my interactions with Christian who held very contempt views on other religions. I was made to believe, from their views, that they were taught such kind of ideas in their churches during worship services and Christian teachings. After attending the Service in a Christian Church, I was able to change this misconception. This was after carefully listening to the message and the sermon of the Preacher. His message was mainly centered on love for one another, understanding and mutual respect and coexistence (Driscoll, 2009). The Preacher e mphasized the point that God created people in his own image and therefore every human being should be loved as he or she represents the image of God Himself. He also stated that it is through loving one another that people express their love for God, and that is how they shall be able to get to heaven (Dyet, 2006). According to the Bible, God created all humanity, so it does not matter the religion one belongs to (Driscoll, 2009). The main point is that all human beings belong to God, and should be loved and respected. After listening to such messages, I had to change my view on Christianity and reduce my prejudices regarding how they treat other religions. I was surprised to find out that Christianity is such a welcoming religion, whose main message is based on love for God and for one another. The other misconception I had regarding the Christian religion before this encounter was that Christians hated other religions simply because they were not believers in Christ Jesus. This p rejudice kept me off from mingling freely with Christians because I could not trust the motives of some of them, just because I was not a follower and I felt they hated all non Christians and treated them like non believers who do not deserve to live. This misconception denied me so many opportunities of making Christian friends and mixing freely with other people and sharing ideas. In the course of this research on religion, I was able to come across some very challenging

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Analysis of International Business Law Research Paper

Analysis of International Business Law - Research Paper Example Keep in the brain as the situations might alternatively be dissimilar depending on the corporation and the conditions. Join us in our voyage of detection and learn by means of us! Group Law Organization Law container is defined as ordinary law or container law based on accumulated judgment from courtyard cases. Moreover, as there are accountabilities for an agent to main, there are moreover accountabilities for the principal to the manager. In agency law, there are more than a few duties that a manager owes the main. The liabilities of that chief to the agent are; the responsibility of recompense, the duty to repay and cover, and the responsibility of custody financial records (Barnes, 2003, pg. 325). No doubt, the so-called dialogue between civil law and common law was the essential feature of post-World War II proportional law. It was such a novel approach that each of the two participants to the conversation stressed the unifying rudiments inside its own group and the dissimilarity by means of the additional group. Civil law scholars and common law scholars come out as two monoliths (Moens, G & Gillies, P 1997). Various Industry Entities and E-Business Once the kind of industry has been recognized, the proprietor will decide how the commerce will be prearranged, and beneath what kind of arrangement. The kind of structure determined allows the proprietor(s) to decide the penalty that might be faced. For instance, there are just concerning four arrangements to decide from, advantage an extra two that will be considered, and are scheduled underneath: Sole Proprietorship Company Corporation Limited Liability Company (LLC) Franchise E-Commerce. This segment of the document will explain these types of commercial arrangements and the probable legal matters/consequences that the commerce may countenance (Willes, JH & Willes JA 2005). Distinguish Between Civil Law And Common Law Common Law (Judge-made Law) This pecking order does not subsist only in statute laws (Acts of Parliament) but also in common law. The Australian legal system is secret as a common law system. Gibson (2005, p. 7) states that common law is where the judges create a choice on disputes brought before them in the courts. The judges' role is to make decisions to decide disputes. Legal rules are formed from this choice. Common law is unrecorded laws made by judges. The legal reasoning upon which the choice in the case was based is recognized as the Ratio Decidendi. Similar legal reasoning may be used by judges in prospect cases when faced by means of similar facts. It is only the relation decides that can make a compulsory instance. It turns out to be the law. Anything else said concerning the case in the course of a ruling that does not form part of the matters at the subject is called obiter saying. The High Court holds the uppermost position in the courts' system in Australia. as a result, all decisions made in the High Court are compulsory on courts lower than it (Mo, J 2003). Â  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Internet Advertising Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internet Advertising - Research Paper Example He was accused of violating state and federal laws. Even though in the latest settlement, Mr. Richter has denied the allegations, he has agreed to follow the following federal and state laws by pledging not to send spam to anyone and allowed his business to be monitored for the next 3 years. Microsoft is investing 6 million dollars in this venture and on anti-spamming efforts in this regard. The case highlights how big a menace to the society, to the digital world the spam can be. Spam is a menace on the web. It is a moral, social and an ethical wrong. If it falls into the hands of the young generation, then it can spoil them to the point of manipulating their young minds. They can get involved in wrong activities, be exploited and even go haywire from the direction that their elders have set them for. Sometimes they may seek refuge in all the wrong activities propagated by porn. Thus Spam is a big no. (Internet Advertising shoots past estimates, 2006) Excessive marketing serves to manipulate the minds of an individual. It brainwashes them so much so that they are tempted to act accordingly. Internet marketing has both its cons and pros. Internet marketing which is also called web marketing, online marketing, and online marketing is essentially marketing of products and service on the Internet. With the rapid evolution of the Internet, marketing took on over an all new level. On the plus side, Internet Marketing not just became cheaper online but it paved way for newer more innovative business prospects in the online world. Today information is distributed across to the global audience at it incredibly low prices and sometimes even free of cost.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The threat of terrorism warrants the curtailment of civil liberties Essay

The threat of terrorism warrants the curtailment of civil liberties (Persuasion ) - Essay Example These terrorist groups also have the latest in satellite imaging, in weapons technology, in biological and chemical weapons capability, and even cyber-terrorism. And they are not afraid to use these weapons and technological advancements on as many people as possible. They are not bound to honor the laws of man and of God in unleashing these weapons; but the different countries and governments trying to counter these terrorist attacks and weapons are pressured to abide by their laws. And because of terrorists’ disregard for laws coupled with their potential to wreak havoc on people’s lives, I believe that stronger means must be employed in order to protect and ensure our safety and security. There are necessary measures, like the curtailment of civil liberties, which have to be employed in order to counter the threat of terrorism. An opinion survey conducted by YouGov in the UK sought people’s perception or opinion about the government’s proposal to control civil liberties and the survey revealed that a great majority of respondents believe that it is appropriate to curtail the movements of terrorist suspects even if the usual trial policies cannot be applied to them. The survey also revealed that most people favored preemptive actions to be taken by the government in order to control or address the threat of terrorism (2). Majority of the respondents also set forth that they do not accept the idea that government authorities can never curtail anyone’s civil liberties, especially when it is essential to their national security (2). In the same survey, the respondents were asked if they rated national security as more important than the protection of their civil liberties. Again, majority of the respondents believed that national security is more important to them, and only about 3% answer ed that their civil liberties were more

Dodge Ram Essay Example for Free

Dodge Ram Essay †¢ During an executive test drive just months before product launch, Daimler Chrysler officials declared a no-launch decision because of excessive vehicle vibration for the companys newly designed Dodge Ram Mega Cab 44 pickup. †¢ Cummins Inc. , manufacturer of the trucks diesel engine, immediately chartered a Six Sigma team and employed the DMAIC problem-solving process to diagnose and correct the factors leading to the high vibration levels. †¢ Through extensive testing, the Six Sigma team determined that by increasing the crankshaft counterweight radius, vibrations were significantly reduced. †¢ The Cummins team completed the DMAIC project in an extraordinary time frame — just over four months — resulting in a 16% reduction in vibration levels and a 100% increase in sales of the truck in the first year compared to sales projections. It was less than nine months before Daimler Chrysler launched its new 2006 Dodge Ram Mega Cab 44 pickup when top company executives tested vehicle prototypes during a semi-annual executive ride-and-drive session. During the test drives, the automakers executives determined that excessive engine vibrations felt in the cab created a no-launch situation. The company then turned to Cummins Inc. , supplier of the vehicles 5. 9-liter turbo-diesel engine, looking to dramatically reduce the vibration levels—and quickly! Cummins, which already had a successful companywide Six Sigma program in place, immediately launched a Six Sigma project to tackle the vibration problem. Cummins Inc. deployed a Six Sigma team to reduce engine vibration just six months prior to the September 2005 launch of the new Dodge Ram Mega Cab 44 pickup. Recognizing consumer demand for better fuel economy and reduced emissions, both Toyota and Honda have introduced hybrid vehicles to the American market. Toyota introduced the Prius to the U. S. in 2000. Honda began selling the hybrid two-seater Insight in the U. S. in 1999. U. S. Sales in the hybrid vehicle industry have increased over 570 percent since model year 20001. Today, hybrid vehicles hold a 1% market share in the U. S. ,2 and there are three models of hybrid vehicles dominating the market: the Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, and the Honda Civic Hybrid. The Toyota Prius Toyota’s initial marketing strategy for the Prius targeted innovators and early adopters of new technologies. * The 2000 â€Å"Prius/genius† campaign focused on highlighting Toyota’s commitment to creating environmentally responsible vehicles4 and on using online space to engage technophiles early on in the production process. Toyota enabled interested customers to visit a special website about Prius development as early as two years before the introduction of the product. Toyota used focus groups and clinics with target consumers to evaluate different aspects of the Prius. Toyota found that the consumers valued high technology, affordable price, clean operation, comfort, quality, convenient design, and safety. Toyota’s television and print ads underscored the evolutionary aspects of hybrid technology and freedom from dependence on oil. Toyota created online e-brochures with a 17-second video clip that were sent to the almost 44,000 people. 5 In addition, Toyota benefited from various celebrity endorsements that attracted attention to the new Prius.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and New Stadium Essay Example for Free

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and New Stadium Essay Tottenham Hotspurs, Plc. This certain case has many different possibilities for evaluation which gives it much complexity and much liberty while evaluating it. The soccer business sure has a certain relation with the performance and their revenues which makes it highly unstable when speaking of forecasted income of the club. We must first value the firm at its current position in order to be able to value as compared to acquiring the new stadium and obtaining a new goal scorer. In order to do so we must evaluate the company by creating a Discounted Cash Flow analysis projecting the expected future revenues in the same current strategy which they are in. We would then lay out the future expected cash inflows with no initial cash out flow laid out due to the fact that they have already covered their initial expenses. We must take into account the growth rates that are expected for our liabilities such as capital expenditures, player salaries, depreciation, and such. We must then evaluate the growth rates for the cash inflows for the revenues expected due from increased ticket prices, product sales, sponsorship and televising their games. We must then implement these rates and growth in numbers to evaluate the future position a number of years down the line. We could then evaluate the current capital structure and their cost of capital in order to determine whether they are fairly valued and obtain a second analysis to compare with. We have sufficient data such as their beta and stock returns in the market in order for us to evaluate these numbers. The case also contains the current risk free rate which is needed when using the Capital Asset Pricing Model in order to obtain the cost of equity of the firm. After performing a multiples analysis we can then compare the two analyses and determined whether the firm is fairly valued. If it is then great, but if not then we have an even greater reason for Tottenham to look into the building of a new stadium. Now that we have their current position we must conduct an analysis regarding the â€Å"what if† the company obtained the new stadium and invested in a new striker. In order to do the following we must take into consideration the initial cash out flow of the new stadium and the two years that the company has to pay it given the current financial situation and their cash excess which is mentioned in the case. Once we have this we can then forecast a pessimistic, a mediocre, and a pessimistic evaluation of their ticket sales and create multiple cash flows which consider the growth rates of all of the costs and revenues that the company will incur given this following move. Once we have this analysis we can then create the same analysis given that we stay in the same stadium, but we invest in a new striker (optimistic, mediocre, pessimistic). Once we obtain the cash flows from the two options mentioned before, we can then infuse both cash flows and compare the position of the company if they were to take the options which they have available to them. We must also play into consideration that the competition of the league has a huge impact on the results of Tottenham as they can have a huge influence on them. For example, Manchester United invests in the so called next big thing in football or one team is on the rise.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Detection of Low Level Sex Chromosome Mosaicism

Detection of Low Level Sex Chromosome Mosaicism Abstract Turner syndrome (TS) is most commonly due to a 45,X chromosome defect, but is also seen in patients with a variety of X-chromosome abnormalities or 45,X/46,XY mosaicism. The phenotype of TS patients is highly variable, and depends largely on the karyotype. Patients are at an increased risk of gonadoblastoma when a Y derived chromosome or chromosome fragment is present. Since constitutional mosaicism is present in approximately 50% of TS patients, the identification of minor cell populations is clinically important and a challenge to laboratories. Aim: The purpose of the present study was the application of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay to identify low level mosaicism for an XY or XX cell population for TS patients with monosomy X and also to identify the nature of sex chromosome markers detected by conventional cytogenetic studies. Methods: The study included 65 female patients with a clinical suspicion of TS, they were selected from the Genetic Clinic, Medical Research Institute, University of Alexandria. Chromosome analysis by G-banding technique was done. FISH was performed using centromere probes for the X and Y chromosomes. Results: Chromosome analysis by G-banding technique revealed the following results: twenty patients (30.77%) had a 45,X karyotype; mosaicism for a second normal or structurally abnormal X was observed in 27 (41.54%) cases, mosaicism for Y chromosome in 5 (7.69%) cases, 7 (10.77) had mosaicism involving a marker chromosome; and non mosaic structural abnormalities of the X chromosome was present in 6 (9.23%) patients.To further investigate the possibility of mosaicism in the 20 patients with an apparently nonmosaic 45,X karyotype, and to identify the nature of chromosome markers in the 7 patients carrying a marker, FISH was performed using centromere probes for the X and Y chromosomes. A minor XX cell line was identified in 6 patients, XY mosaicism were identified in 3 cases and the 45, X result was confirmed in 11 samples. FISH analysis performed on the 7 patients with chromosome markers, identified the origin of these markers as X chromosome material in 3 patients, and Y-derived chro mosome in 4 patients (idic Y with a double hybridization signal corresponding to double centromeric region). Conclusion: FISH is a useful tool in the detection of low frequency cell lines and identification of the nature of unknown chromosome markers that have important implications for the management of patients with Turner syndrome. FISH as an adjunct to karyotype analysis provides a sensitive, specific, rapid, and informative technique to identify sex chromosome mosaicism in TS patients. Key Words: Turner syndrome, monosomy X, mosaicism, 46, XY cell line, gonadoblastoma. INTRODUCTION The incidence of Turner syndrome (TS) is approximately one in 3,000 newborn girls and is associated with an apparently nonmosaic 45, X karyotype in many of these patients.(1) Based on chromosome analysis 30%-50% are mosaic with  a second X or a structurally abnormal X, and  fewer than 10% of TS patients have mosaicism with a 46, XY cell population or a Y chromosome rearrangement. The mosaic status of the remaining TS patients remains uncertain but of clinical interest because if they do have cells with a Y chromosome or Y-derived fragment, they may have an increased risk of gonadoblastoma.(2) Because a 45, X karyotype usually causes fetal death, it has been postulated that all liveborn 45,X infants must be mosaic with either a Y or a second X in some cells.(3) The hypothesis of the necessity of mosaicism for survival is supported by the argument for the existence of a feto-protective effect of one or more genes on the sex chromosomes (X or Y). According to this concept, two copies of the gene(s) should be present, either in the fetus or in the extra-embryonic tissues.(4) Both, embryonic mortality and the Turner phenotype, are considered to be a result of monosomy of a common gene (s) of the X and Y chromosomes. It is assumed that, in women, these genes are expressed in both active and inactive X chromosomes as a means of ensuring the right quantity of genetic product.(5) The American College of Medical Genetics recommends cytogenetic analysis of 30 metaphase cells to rule out sex chromosome mosaicism.(6) This analysis can identify 10% mosaicism with  a confidence level of 95% but a more sensitive  level of detection requires analysis of many more metaphase cells, which is costly. PCR-based assays have been used to identify low-level mosaicism.(7) Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using X and Y chromosome probes has been validated (8) as a reflex test in apparently nonmosaic 45,X individuals to identify low-level mosaicism.(2,9) One of the advantages of applying the FISH technique is the possibility of studying mosaicism in both interphase nuclei and metaphases.(5) The purpose of the present study was to show the value of FISH analysis to identify low level sex chromosome mosaicism in Turner syndrome with nonmosaic monosomy X, and also to identify the nature of marker chromosomes detected by conventional cytogenetic studies. METHODS The study included 65 patients with clinical features suggestive of TS, they were selected from the out patient clinic, Human Genetics Department, Medical Research Institute, University of Alexandria over a period of 4 years. Chromosomes were prepared according to standard techniques for culturing lymphocytes from peripheral blood, and the preparation was treated with trypsin to obtain G-banding.(10) A minimum of 30 metaphases were analysed, and 3 were photographed for each patient. FISH analysis using the classic alpha-satellite probes for the X [DXZ1] and Y [DYZ3] centromeres (CEP-X and CEP-Y, Vysis Inc., spectrum green hybridizes to the centromere of human chromosome X, and spectrum orange hybridizes to the centromere of human chromosome Y) was performed in cases with nonmosaic 45, X karyotype to detect low level sex chromosome mosaicism and also in cases with chromosome markers to identify the nature of these markers. The protocol followed was that provided by the manufacturer. The normal cutoff was determined to be 1.0% for a second X signal and 0.6% for a Y signal in analysis of 500 interphase cells. (11) Whenever interphase FISH analysis revealed evidence of a second cell population, a search was undertaken using FISH for metaphase cells to confirm its presence and examine the structure of the sex chromosomes in that population. FISH was performed in the Genetic Center, Genetic Counseling Society, Alexandria. Statistical analysis: Data were presented in the form of frequency and percentages. RESULTS Based on G-banded chromosome analysis of a minimum of 30 metaphase cells for the 65 patients included in this study, 45,X karyotype was found in 20 cases (30.77%), various mosaic complements was detected in 39 (60%), and non mosaic structural abnormalities of the X chromosome in 6 (9.23%) (table I). Mosaicism detected were as follow: 8 (12.31%) with numerical mosaicism involving  the X chromosome, 19 (29.23%) with structural mosaicism of the X chromosome, 5 (7.69%) with Y chromosome mosaicism, and 7 (10.77%) with mosaicism involving a marker chromosome, the level of mosaicism ranged from 8% to 86%. FISH analysis, using centromere probes for the X and Y chromosomes, identified mosaicism with a second X chromosome in 6 of the 20 patients with an apparently non-mosaic 45,X karyotype. The level of mosaicism detected ranged from 3.8% to 8.2%. Mosaicism with a Y chromosome was detected  in 3 patients, the level of mosaicism ranged from 2.4% to 7.2% (table II) (figure1). FISH improved the identification of mosaicism from 60% (39/65) to about 73.85% (48/65). FISH analysis performed on the 7 patients with chromosome markers, identified the nature of these markers as X chromosome material in 3 patients, and Y-derived chromosome in 4 patients (idic Y with a double hybridization signal corresponding to double centromeric region) (table III). FISH highlighted the differences between the initial diagnosis, based on G-banding, and the final diagnosis, determined by specific probes for the  X and Y chromosomes. FISH analysis detected  more Y-chromosomal material than karyotyping (18.46% (12/65) vs. 7.69% (5/65), respectively), and also detected more X-chromosomal mosaicism among the TS patients (55.38% (36/65) vs. 41.54% (27/65), respectively). Clinical, ultrasound and laparoscopic examination of gonads in patients with Y chromosome material revealed normal females with bilateral rudimentary streak gonads in 9 patients and females with clitoromegaly, unilateral streak gonads, and contralateral intraabdominal testis in 3 patients. Interphase cells showing one green signal of the X chromosome Interphase cell showing 2 green signals for X chromosome Interphase cell with one green signal for X chromosome and one red signal for Y chromosome Metaphase cell with one green signal for X chromosome and one red signal for Y chromosome DISCUSSION An estimated 1 in 50 conceptuses is affected with TS. However, only 1% of TS conceptuses survive to birth. It has been observed that there is a higher ratio of mosaic karyotypes to monosomy X in live births compared to aborted fetuses. This finding has led to speculation that most if not all patients born with TS must have mosaicism.(3) Phenotypic expression in TS patients largely depends on the karyotype, and identification of  sex chromosome mosaicism plays a key role in clinical management. Patients with documented mosaicism for a 46, XX or duplication of the  long arm have a moderate phenotype. Mental retardation is seen more frequently in patients with a small ring chromosome and deletion of the X-inactivation center (XIST).(12) Patients with a Y or Y-derived chromosome identified by routine  G-banding analysis may have as high as a 30%  risk of developing gonadoblastoma, although  most reports suggest an incidence of 7%-  10%. Therefore, identification of low level  Y chromosome mosaicism is also clinically important.(13)   Out of the 65 patients included in the present study, 45, X karyotype was found in 20 cases (30.77%), various mosaic complements was  detected in 39 (60%), and non mosaic structural abnormalities of the X chromosome in 6 (9.23%). Previous studies reported constitutional mosaicism in approximately 50% of TS patients based on chromosome analysis.(14) The detection of mosaicism is mainly influenced by the type and number of tissues analysed, the number of cells studied, and the sensitivity of the techniques applied.(4,5,15) FISH analysis of the 20 patients with 45, X karyotype included in the present study detected mosaicism in 9 patients: 6 had an XX cell line, and  3 had Y chromosome material. Therefore, FISH improved the identification of mosaicism from 60% to about 73.85%. Van Dyke and Wiktor (11) reported that FISH analysis improves the identification of mosaicism from 55% to 67% in patients with nonmosaic 45,X karyotype.They concluded that the identification of a cell population with a second X chromosome is sufficient to exclude, with a high degree of confidence, the presence of a Y-bearing cell population in that patient. Other investigators compared the results of lymphocyte G-banded karyotype with the use of interphase X/Y FISH analysis. They detected more Y-chromosomal matrial by FISH than karyotyping (in 15% vs. 11% of the women, respectively) and also detected more X-chromosomal mosaicism among the TS women (in 70% vs. 45% of the women respectively). They suggested the use of X/Y interpha se FISH as a complement to karyotyping in order to obtain a more complete knowledge of the chromosome constitution of each individuals with TS.(16) The Y-chromosomal material in TS individuals  is often present in the form of small marker chromosomes, which are difficult to positively identify by routine karyotyping. Furthermore, small markers are frequently missed altogether using  this technique, especially if limited numbers of metaphases are evaluated.(17) In the present  study, 7 (10.77%) patients were detected with mosaicism involving a marker chromosome, FISH analysis identified the origin of these markers as X chromosome material in 3 patients, and Y-derived chromosome in 4 patients, the nature of the Y chromosome was defined as isodicentric with  two centromeres. Approximately 20% of mosaic patients with TS have a sex marker chromosome.(14) The use of fluorescence in situ hybridization  (FISH) analysis has been well documented as  being effective in detecting and identifying sex chromosome markers.(18,19,20) In the present study, final diagnosis followed G-banding and FISH analysis identified Y-bearing cell population in approximately 18% of TS patients. Review of the literature suggested that 6-12% of patients with TS had 45,X/46,XY cell lines with  or without structurally abnormal Y.(21) This variation is a reflection of the numbers of patients studied,  the technique used, and the strategies employed  by different investigators to search for small populations of Y containing cells. Virilization with clitoromegaly was found in  3 cases in the present study with Y cell line mosaicism. It is believed that virilization in patients with TS is due to the presence of Y cell line within the gonad even if the Y cell line is not identified in peripheral blood. Therefore, virilization is an indication for detailed studies looking for the presence of Y mosaicism. (22) Early detection of Y-derived material in the genome of TS individuals is of great importance because of the relative high risk (10-30%) of developing gonadal tumors (i.e., gonadoblastoma or dysgerminoma).(23,24) Gonadoblastoma is a precursor tumor which may undergo malignant transformation into one of the virulent germ cell neoplasms (dysgerminoma, embryonal carcinoma, endodermal sinus tumor, chorioepithelioma or yolk sac tumor).(21) It has been suggested that a locus (GBY) predisposing to the development of this tumor is located in the pericentromeric region of Yp.(25) Although the natural history of gonadoblastoma in prepubertal patients is unknown, this tumor can be evident even in the first decade of life in streak gonads with Y mosaicism and may be bilateral. Therefore, prophylactic gonadectomy should  be recommended in patients with TS and Y chromosome mosaicism, because fertility is not an issue, surgical morbidity is minor, and the potential for malignant transformation is unknown.(26) If a patient declines gonadectomy, monitoring for germ cell neoplasm is the only option. However,  it is unclear whether methods in common use  today (vaginal ultrasound, biochemical markers, proteomics, etc.), even with compliant patients,  are able to identify germ cell neoplasms at early enough stages to improve the natural history of the disease. It is possible that a predictable and specific marker of malignant potential may be identified in the future. Until then, physicians will need to be continually updated on these important issues as they relate to the clinical management of patients with Turner syndrome.(21) In conclusion, FISH for the X and Y centromere probes is a useful adjunct to conventional cytogenetic studies in patients with apparently nonmosaic monosomy X. This additional assay improved the identification of mosaicism from 60% to about 73.85%. FISH method provides a sensitive, specific, rapid, and informative means of identifying low level X and Y mosaicism in TS patients, and can be employed on the same blood sample that is used for the conventional cytogenetic studies. FISH helped in identifying the nature of the unknown markers which has an important implication in the development of gonadal tumors. Metaphase FISH, and interphase FISH should complement and validate each other in the detection of covert Y and identification of rearranged X vs Y chromosomes.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Imagery of Disease and Decay in Hamlet Essay -- GCSE English Literatur

Imagery of Disease and Decay in Hamlet  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare found that imagery was a useful tool to give his works greater impact and hidden meaning. In Hamlet, Shakespeare used imagery to present ideas about the atmosphere, Hamlet's character, and the major theme of the play. He used imagery of decay to give the reader a feel of the changing atmosphere. He used imagery of disease to hint how some of the different characters perceived Hamlet as he put on his "antic disposition". And finally, he used imagery of poison to emphasize the main theme of the play; everybody receives rightful retribution in the end.      Early in Hamlet, Shakespeare's first use of imagery was of decay. Marcellus says, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark" (I; iv; 90), to Horatio after Hamlet leaves to talk with the ghost of his father. The imagery of decay used here gives the reader a background understanding of a few things. First, it foreshadows that the king's throne (the state of Denmark) is on shaky ground because Hamlet will shortly find out that his father was murdered and not bitten by a snake as was originally thought. Also, it reveals the building atmosphere of suspicion (something is rotten) which would play a role for a big part of the play. Then, two scenes later, imagery of decay was used a second time when Hamlet says, "For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a good kissing carrion", (II; i; 182-183) to Polonius during their first conversation in the play. The imagery of decay used here subtly gets across information of a few things. First, it foreshadows that Hamlet (the sun) wil l kill Polonius (breed maggots in a dead dog). And secondly, at this point in the scene, Hamlet goes on to talk about his own ... ...mastery of imagery that helped Shakespeare lift himself in the world of literature and to give him a solid place as one of the greatest playwrights of all time.    Works Cited and Consulted: Bodkin, Maud. Death and Decay in Hamlet   Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1934. Burnett, Mark, ed. New Essays on Hamlet. New York: AMS Press, 1994. Levin, Richard. 1990. 'The Poetics and Politics of Bardicide.' PMLA 105: 491-504. Vickers, Brian. Appropriating Shakespeare: Contemporary Critical Quarrels. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1993. Watson, Robert N. 1990. 'Giving up the Ghost in a World of Decay: Hamlet, Revenge and Denial.' Renaissance Drama 21:199-223. Wright, George T. 1981. 'Hendiadys and Hamlet.' PMLA 96:168-193. Shakespeare, William. The Tradegy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark.   New York: Washington Square Press, 1992

Analysis of Robert Frosts Fire and Ice Essay examples -- Frost Fire a

Analysis of Robert Frost's Fire and Ice      Ã‚  Ã‚   For Robert Frost, poetry and life   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   were one and the same.   In an interview he said, 'One thing I care about,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   and wish young people could care about, is taking poetry as the first form   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of understanding.'   Each Robert Frost poem strikes a chord somewhere, each   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   poem bringing us closer to life with the compression of feeling and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   emotion into so few words.   This essay will focus on one particular poem,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the meaning of which has been much debated due to the quantity of words   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   used, or the lack there-of.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There have been many readers of Frost's poem "Fire and Ice", thus   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   being interpreted in many ways. Many readers would interpret the poem to   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   mean something about 'the physical end of the world, or the end of the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   physical world' (1).   Lawrence Thompson views the poem as hinting at the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   destructive powers in "the heat of love or passion and the cold of hate,"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   sensing that "these two extremes are made so to encompass life as to be a   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   gathering up of all that may exist between them; all that may be swept   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   away by them" (2).      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Upon closer examination of "Fire and Ice", I found a distinct   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   parallel that closely mirrors the tale of Dante's Inferno. The Inferno is   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the first part of Dante Alighieri's poem, the Divine Comedy, which   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   chronicles Dante's journey to God, and is made up of The Inferno (Hell),   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Purgatorio (Purgatory), and Paradiso (Paradise).   In The Inferno, Dante   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   begins his journey on the surface of the Earth, guided by the Ro... .... Much later, and in what I think is   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   'a veiled tribute to Robert Frost', John Ciardi translates these lines   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   as(2):   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   I come to lead you to the other shore,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   into eternal dark, into fire and ice. (3.83-84)      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited:      Ã‚  Ã‚ Online. Netscape Navigator. Feb. 4, 2001.    Thompson, Lawrance. Fire and Ice: The Art and Thought of Robert Frost. New York: Henry Holt, 1942.    Dante Alighieri. The Inferno. Trans John Ciardi. New York: Mentor, 1954.    Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Vols. 9-11. Trans. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Online. Netscape Navigator. Feb. 5, 2001.   

Friday, July 19, 2019

Resistance as the Byproduct of Separate Spheres :: Essays Papers

Resistance as the Byproduct of Separate Spheres The history of women in the United States is primarily a study of gender, the social construction of sexual difference, through time. The nineteenth century stands out as the period when the code of separate gender spheres emerged and yet, already, began to come into question. Social forces of economic and religious change sculpted gender into a dichotomy differentiated along roughly the same lines as (what we can now consider problematic) divisions between the private/public, emotional/rational, and consuming/producing. Men occupied the privileged side of each binary, relegating women, as a sex, to a gender built of a series of traits defined in opposition to masculine privilege. During this same century, the ideology of separate spheres was increasingly challenged at many levels by critiques and movements for equal rights, substantive justice, and particular ‘women’s issues’. Note first, that as gender is an issue of social construction, this construct can only be shared by particular groups who share social constructs and even then gender is understood in certain limited ways. To accommodate for this and avoid footnoting what may well be entirely distinct histories, I will only discuss the gender through time of Northern white women. For this constructed gender, the changes that brought the code of separate spheres, by changing the relationships of the domestic sphere, also brought the most fundamental challenges to the code, much more so than equal rights in the public sphere could or would accomplish. In order to determine what a fundamental challenge to the code of separate spheres would sound like, it is necessary to determine the nature of the code’s existence. Obviously, this code of spheres did not exist somewhere crawling about a forest floor, rather it was an ideological tenet of a particular society. This does not mean, however, that it was then understood as simply a belief of one group of people in one time and place. Instead it was seen as natural and permanent. As Justice Bradwell explained in a late nineteenth century case, â€Å"the civil law, as well as nature herself, has always recognized a wide difference in the respective spheres and destinies of man and woman† (Bradwell v. Illinois, 83 U.S. (16 Wallace) 141 (1872)). Outside of the courtroom, Lydia Sigourney echoed this sentiment in a book targeted for women, exhorting them: â€Å"[c]onsider the sphere in which thou art placed, as the one in which God willeth thee to be† (Sigourney 109) .

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Microbiological routes for the production

Microbiological Paths For The Production Of Pharmaceutical Products.IntroductionMicrobiological Aspects Of PenicillinRecent publications and primary literature suggest that penicillin is an first-class curative agent which increases its demand for clinical application and chemical surveies. Microbiological production, chemical purification and isolation are major jobs associated with its usage. Penicillin is produced by Penicillium notatum in really infinitesimal measures and its civilizations were investigated for big scale production of penicillin. Cultures of P.notatum tend to spontaneously lose their penicillin-producing ability due to physiological or biochemical devolution. Penicillin activity straight depends upon the nature of strain. It is critical to choose strains of highest authority for maximal penicillin activity. All the strains are different from each other in their penicillin-forming ability. 1. Penicillin production in Penicillium Chrysogenum. Biosynthesis of lysine and Penicillin in Penicillium chrysogenum is regulated by ramifying point intermediate ?-aminoadipate. In penicillin tract, it is condensed with L-valine and L-cysteine to organize tripeptide by ACV synthetase. The internal ?-aminoadipate pool plays a critical function in lysine and penicillin biogenesis. The break of lys2 cistron directs the pool towards penicillin biogenesis ensuing in penicillin over-production. The targeted break was carried out by utilizing two different techniques and their consequence on penicillin production was studied. P.chrysogenum Wis 54-1255 ( low-level penicillin-producing strain ) and P.chrysogenum pyrG1 mutant strains were used in transmutation experiments. P. Chrysogenum L2, a lysine auxotroph was used as a control. Spores of P.chrysogenum were collected from home bases of power medium after holding grown for 5 yearss at 28Â °C. Two plasmids pDL1 and pDL7 which differed in selectable marker and size of DNA part homologous to a im were selected for break of lys2 by a individual crossing over. pDL1 includes ble ( phleomycin opposition ) cistron while pDL7 contains pyrG cistron as a selectable marker. Out of 495 transformants tested, 2 lysine auxotrophs ringers ( TD7-88 and TD7-115 ) were obtained. Both were unable to turn in Czapek medium supplemented with ?-aminoadipic acid while P.chrysogenum L2 ( command strain ) grew. These consequences proved that lys2 cistron is disrupted in TD7-88 and TD7-115 strains. Two plasmids pDL2 and pDL10 were constructed for break of lys2 cistron by dual recombination. Out of 964 transformants tested, merely one lysine auxotroph ( TD10-195 ) was obtained which was unable to turn in ?-aminoadipic acid supplemented Czapek medium. Transformants TD10-195 and TD7-115 were more stable without any reversion rate as compared to TD7-88 with really low degree of stableness. Although the growing of transformants were slower than parental strain in defined medium incorporating 4.0 Mm lys ine, the penicillin degrees were double from those observed in parental strain at 96, 120, and 144 H and threefold higher at 168 H. 2. Penicillin Production by Fungi turning on nutrient merchandises. Many fungous species widely used as commercial starting motors such as P.nalgiovense, P.chrysogenum, P. Verrucosum, P.griseofulvum and P.roqueforti were used to analyse the production of penicillin while turning on nutrient merchandises and presence of penicillin biosynthetic cistrons in Fungi of genus Penicillium. The synthesis of toxic compounds might besides be secreted to nutrient merchandises. All the strains were screened utilizing bio-assaies in both solid and liquid medium with Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341 as a trial strain to observe penicillin production. Antibacterial activity was found in P.chrysogenum, P.griseofulvum NRRl 2300 and P.nalgiovense. ?-lactamase signifier Bacillus Cereus UL1 was used to prove whether the antibacterial activity was due to penicillin or other substance. Result indicate that antibacterial activity can be attributed to ?-lactam antibiotic penicillin. Agitation of liquid submerged civilizations of P.griseofulvam was carried out to corroborate peni cillin production which proved that P.griseofulvam strain NRRL 2300 had highest production degree. Southern smudge analysis was used to analyze the presence of penicillin biosynthetic cistrons. The presence of penicillin cistron bunch in P.griseofulvum proved that the antibacterial activity observed is due to penicillin. P.griseofulvum which is a possible beginning of penicillin in nutrient merchandises can be often isolated from maize, barley, wheat, flour etc. In instance of P. Verrucosum, the antibacterial activity observed was due to either patulin or penicilic acid as it contains merely one cistron of penicillin cistron bunch. Both patulin or penicilic acid are secondary metabolites produced by different strains of Fungi. In order to obtain safe and high quality nutrient merchandises, antibiotic and toxin production by nutrient micro-organisms should be analysed and studied in item. It besides helps to bring forth modified strains in which the synthesis of toxic compounds can b e eliminated without losing their food-ripening and flavorer belongingss. 3. Production of penicillin in methylotropic barm Hansenula polymorpha. -lactam antibiotics such as penicillin and Mefoxins are largest selling antibiotics against bacterial infections. Industrially, penicillin and Mefoxins are produced by filiform Fungis Penicillium.chrysogenum and Acremonium chrysogenum severally. The chief purpose was to present penicillin biogenesis tract into yeast Hansenula polymorpha as it is more various, easy to manage and cultivate with superior agitation belongingss as compared to filiform Fungis. In penicillin tract, peptide synthetase ?-L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase signifiers tripeptide ACV. It is converted into isopenicillin N ( IPN ) by enzyme isopenicillin N synthase ( IPNS ) . The pcbC cistron which encodes IPNS was cloned in H.polymorpha intoxicant oxidase booster in pHIPX4 and integrated at PAOX venue in H.polymorpha genome. A strain ( IPNS 4.2 ) incorporating pcbC look cassette was cultivated at 37Â °C on methyl alcohol medium to bring on PAOX. Wild type H.polymorpha serves as control strain. Aliquots were taken a t regular clip intervals to analyze IPNS protein. Western smudges prepared utilizing rough infusions of H.polymorpha and P.chrysogenum revealed that strain IPNS 4.2 produces an ?-IPNS specific protein. IPNS was produced at all growing temperatures in strain IPNS 4.2. In stationary growing stage, comparatively low IPNS protein degrees were observed in cells grown at 37Â °C. It was assumed that hapless or slow folding of protein at high temperature can be an intrinsic factor. However, IPNS protein was to the full stable and its degree was significantly enhanced at 25Â °C if compared to its production at 37Â °C and 30Â °C.The sum is comparable to highest penicillin bring forthing strains of P.Chrysogenum. Results indicate that penicillin production in heterologus barm was merely successful at decreased growing temperatures. As yeast genome does non encode non – ribosomal peptide synthetases such as ACVs, the following measure will be to infix functionally active ACVS in hete rologus host in order to present full penicillin biogenesis tract in H.polymorpha. 4. Penicillin production in surface civilizations of P.notatum. Two-liter Erlrnmeyer flasks incorporating czapek-Dox medium were inoculated with P.notatum and incubated at 25Â °C. It was tested for antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus in alimentary stock by ordinary dilution methods. The pH of the medium fell from 6.5 to 3.0-4.0 and remained low throughout. Neutralized samples showed high antibacterial activity and batches runing from 10 to 100 liters were extracted with amyl ethanoate at pH 2. It was assumed that penicillin in these civilizations existed in non-extractable signifier. The pellicles were thin, without furrows or spores, and liquid with swoon xanthous touch. The antibacterial activity was extractible at pH 2 with organic dissolvers when the medium was supplemented with yeast infusion, brain-heart extract. In brown sugar medium ( dark brown sugar, 2 per cent ; NaNO3, 0.35 ; MgSO4.7 H20, 0.05 ; KCI, 0.05, KH2PO4, 0.15 ; FeSO4.7H20, 0.015 ) growing is more rapid and abundant accompanied by intense xanthous pigmentatio n ( chrysogenin ) as compared to czapek-Dox medium. The sourness falls in early phases from pH 5.5 to 4.5 and so rises to 8.0. Penicillin started roll uping on 5th twenty-four hours with upper limit on the eleventh to the 13th twenty-four hours. Maximum penicillin activity appeared after maximal growing was attained. All the sugar was consumed before maximal penicillin was accumulated. 5. Penicillin production in submersed civilizations of P.notatum. Experiments with submersed civilizations were conducted on machines agitating at rate of 60 to 90rpm, with maximal growing observed over a period of 6 to 10 yearss at 25Â °C. Brown sugar medium was distributed in 80-ml measures in 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks and inoculated with a spore suspension of P.notatum, strain 832. The flasks were incubated at 25Â °C on a shaking machine. Growth commenced on the 2nd twenty-four hours with maximal growing appeared as little unit of ammunition pellets of mycelium. Penicillin started roll uping on 3rd or 4th twenty-four hours and reached its maximal value ( 20 to 30 oxford units per milliliter ) on 7th or 8th twenty-four hours. Organic fraction in brown sugar is responsible for penicillin-promoting capacity. Zinc besides had a catalyzing consequence. The shingle or submersed civilization technique provides better aeration as compared to come up civilization. By turning P.notatum strains in shake civilization, variable factors of diffusion and pell icle formation are eliminated, while growing and metabolic procedures are accelerated. Care of an equal O supply is indispensable in the penicillin production in submersed civilizations of P.notatum. 6. Aculeacin A Acylase as an industrial biocatalyst for production of penicillin Aculeacin A Acylase ( AuAAC ) from Actinoplanes utahensis NRRL 12052 catalyzes hydrolyses of acyl medieties of fungicidal antibiotics. As AuAAC was similar to ? -lactam acylase, it was investigated whether AuAAC would act as new ? -lactam acylase. An engineered aac cistron was made and cloned into look vector pEM4. The cistron was amplified by PCR utilizing chromosomal Deoxyribonucleic acid from A. utahensis NRRL 12052. Primers were designed harmonizing to the DNA sequence of aac cistron. Purified PCR merchandises were digested with XbaI and EcoRI endonuclease and cloned into pEM4 vector. The ensuing plasmid was so introduced in S.lividans 1326. The AuAAC output was 21-fold higher in recombinant strain produced by S. Lividans ( pEAAC ) as compared to A.utahensis. Its pureness was determined by Na dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel cataphoresis. The thermic stableness was studied by pre-incubating AAC for 20 min at different temperatures. It was stable up to 50Â °C and so reduced at higher temperature. It was determined that purified recombinant AuAAC is able to hydrolyse penicillin V. The kinetic parametric quantities for hydrolyses of different natural ?-lactam antibiotics were determined to analyze hydrolytic specificity of recombinant AuAAC. The pure recombinant enzyme was incubated with increasing concentrations of penicillins ( V, K, F, dihydroF, and G ) in 100 mM K phosphate buffer, pH 8.0 at 45Â °C for 15 min in 100 Â µl. AuAAC shows the same substrate specificity if compared to penicillin V acylase on natural penicillins. Penicillin K was best substrate for which AuAAC shows highest biomolecular changeless value of 34.79 mM-1 s-1. Result suggest that AuAAC from A.utahensis should be considered as new subfamily of ?-lactam acylases and it should besides be considered as an industrial biocatalyst for production of man-made penicillins.Mentions1. Finch, R. G. , Greenwood, D. , Norrby, S. R. & A ; Whitley, R. J. ( 2003 ) . Antibiotic and Chemotherapy. A nti-infective agents and their usage in therapy. ( 8th ed. ) . New York: Churchill Livingstone. 2. Hutter, R. , Leisinger, T. , Nuesch, J. & A ; Wehrli, W. ( 1978 ) . Antibiotics and Other Secondary Metabolites: Biosynthesis and Production. New York: Academic Press. 3. Flynn, E. H. ( 1972 ) . Cephalosporins and Penicillins.Chemistry and Biology. New York: Academic Press. 4. Casqueiro, J. , Gutierrez, S. , Banuelos, O. , Hijarrubia, M. J. & A ; Martin, J. F. ( 1999 ) . Gene Targeting in Penicillium chrysogenum: Break of the lys 2 Gene Leads to Penicillin Overproduction. Journal of Bacteriology, 181 ( 4 ) , 1181-1188. 5. Laich, F. , Fierro, F. & A ; Martin, J. F. ( 2002 ) . Production of Penicillin by Fungi Turning on Food Merchandises: Designation of a complete Penicillin Gene Cluster in Penicillium griseofulvum and a Truncated Cluster in Penicillium verrucosum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68 ( 3 ) , 1211-1219. 6. Gidijala, L. , Bovenberg R. , Klaassen, P. , Van der Klei, I. J. , Veenhuis, M. & A ; Kiel, J.A. ( 2008 ) . Production of functionally active Penicillium chrysogenum isopenicillin N synthase in the barm Hansenula polymorpha. BMC Biotechnology,29 ( 8 ) , 1472-6750. 7. Torres-Bacete, J. , Hormigo, D. , Stuart, M. , Arroyo, M. , Torres, P. , Castillon, M.P. , et Al. ( 2007 ) . Newly Discovered Penicillin Acylase Activity of Aculeacin A Acylase from Actinoplanes utahensis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology,73 ( 16 ) 5378-5381. 8. Sprote, P. , Brakhage, A. A. & A ; Hynes, M. J. ( 2009 ) . Contribution of Peroxisomes to Penicillin Biosynthesis in Aspergillus nidulans. Eukaryotic Cell, 8 ( 3 ) , 421-423.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Psychology and Stress Essay

In our world directly at that place be factors that make our livelihood a little more difficult. We exclusively go through these frustrations every day and some more than former(a) are affected by them. These factors come in many a(prenominal) different forms, yet they totally lay under virtuoso category, it is called filter stunned. sieve sewer match a soulfulness physically, emotionally and, may be clean for passels actions turn up of the norm. backing up a filter aside solicitude plan is a full(a) mien to acknowledge out how to shoot down this riddle in our everyday lives. test abide be addressed through purpose out what token of separate out it is, how it impacts our bodies, and how to reckon with straining. First of all line erect be get outd just by finding out what event of stress is the causal agent. focusing causes our bodies to react to military issue that loafer be safe or bad. According to Melinda Smith, M.A., Robert Segal, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. authors of the term on Understanding Stress, explains the course our bodies under debate during stress.Our bodies can kick into super numbfish mode and take us out of danger this is called fight or evasion. Our bodies own defenses want to save our lives by confronting the difficulty or getting a substance. This can further rail on to cause conflict in our lives. One type of stress that causes this is Acute Stress. This type of stress is cause by a total force resultant. This can lead to after-effects reoccurring for sensation month. A study was conducted by the quartern Military Medical University, Xian, slews Republic of China, with this study consisted of analyzing acute stress. The researchers took people with acute stress and tried patients on different levels of symptoms. The study came up with a scale six dimensions and symptoms a individual my experience. The results were supporterful to better promote the degree of stress a mortal has. Also they connected how acute stress could lead to Post Traumatic Syndrome. Its very outstanding to find good consisting research to be able to find the proper word for each soulfulness.The adjacent step to manage stress is the impact it has on a mortal. How could this affect a psyches health in a positive or a negative way. An example of acute stress is a person who has experienced an earthquake afterwards has nightmares of being in the mail service again. Their torso is responding to emotional impact this event had on them. If we were to go back into the minute the event happened, we would be able to att decease how stress got this person to react and out of the situation to save their behavior. People go through a moments of being unstoppable like the hulk. The body gives a person strength and increase other senses to escape. Thats a good way our body response in a clock of need. After the fact is when problems come forth, that can commute a persons manner. If t his problem is not addressed lead to mental and mental issues. Stress can start with symptoms of cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral (Smith, Segal, Segal). This is why people call for different behaviors out of the ordinary. Also how important it is to know how untold is too such(prenominal) stress (Smith, Segal, Segal).Letting a person get this far can lead to health problems such as gamy blood pressure, depression and many other issues. Lastly finding steps to manage stress is the key. Finding a good plan that works for each person is a must. For example if a person gets stuck at the end of the line at the store and is late for work can be frustrating. People have to limit see the stressors and talk their way out of it. Tell them selfs its ok, refresh the situation and come to decision. At the end youre the one who gets mad and thence have to get happy again. So if a person starts from the beginning theres so much that could be avoided. Another example is the peo ple that were in 911 that had acute stress. This event was affecting many in different forms. Seeking treatment with a psychologist would help with the ordeal.Discussing the feelings behind the event helped many overcome their acute stress. In addition a good way to overcome stress comes from the article of Stress Management Health Center. The article notes how abate a person mind by writing, show a persons emotions, and getting busy by destructions. This type of mental health treatment focuses on reliving the tension one carries. winning walks, keeping an exercise plan to help focus the energy in other direction, these goals are good to maintain health balanced. A person may in addition due mediation to easy be the body and remit the mind. They can behind start to change their outlook on life in more positive way.This can help with so much stress one deal with on a daily bases. In deduction stress can be managed by taking control over lives by finding out what type of stress a person has, how it affects a person, and by learning to deal with it. Learning what stress is and its affects a persons life is very important to improving oneself. Its also a way to designate the factors that are negative and replaces them with positive ones. work ones health one step at a epoch can avoid stress that affects people every day. Also learning to relax and taking the time for one self, makes life easier on the soul. If we let stress take ownership we will never overcome it.ReferencesYEBING, Y., JINGJING, T., YUAN, J., XUFENG, L., YUNFENG, S., XIA, Z., & DANMIN, M. (2011). DEVELOPMENT OF THE ACUTE STRESS resolution SCALE. Social Behavior & Personality An global Journal, 39(5), 713-720. doi10.2224/sbp.2011.39.5.713 Smith, Melinda, Robert Segal, and Jeanne Segal. Understanding Stress Symptoms, Signs, Causes, and Effects. Expert, Ad-free Articles Help Empower You with Knowledge, Support & Hope. Web. 07 Oct. 2011. . Stuff. Techniques, Exercises a nd Therapies for Relieving Stress. WebMD check Information. Better Health. Healthwise, 14 Oct. 2009. Web. 07 Oct. 2011. .

Cellphone Addiction

Cellphone Addiction

Like every dependence, once triggered, it can be hard to stop.There are effective solutions for treating the addiction, once you identify the symptoms. Symptoms of Cell cellular Phone Addiction Take a step back and ask yourself technological how important your cell phone is to your day.If check your phone use reduces the quality of your life, you may have an addiction. Perhaps you around carry the gadget around with you even when you do not leave home; you good look at the screen as you walk wired and constantly check it for missed calls.Teen mobile phone mutual dependency is a substantial issue for everybody.Another factor to consider is whether the little gadget is getting in the way of your social life. Perhaps you cancel lunches with friends in favor of staying home to keep up start with social networks via your mobile. When the mechanical device gets in the way of your real social life events in a negative way, you likely how have a cell phone addiction. Causes There how are many causes of the addiction.

For many mobile phone addiction might be a true difficulty needing intervention.Your many friends and family members are joining neural networks too. You often â€Å"talk† to one another on the networks as your schedules keep you too busy to meet face to face.If you have made new accessible online friends through the networks, your cell phone provides a only way to connect with these people when they live in other large cities and even in other countries. You free trade media links, such as articles and photos.Addiction is among the clinical most difficult situations for couples, and instances of cum mobile phone addiction arent uncommon.Cell phone addiction is a great contemporary phenomenon.

Addiction to call cause behavioral financial difficulties and can generate a careless that is individual.Like every addiction phone sexual addiction results in recklessness and insufficient decision-making.Past using the mobile phone to speak it goes.Suddenly addiction that is texting is logical! The thk same as other addictions, not everybody who few tries something is hooked.

Find that it is hard to unplug from work and societal networks.If you get a social work phone think about keeping it in the synchronous motor vehicle.Mobile telephones bring convenience to the vast majority of how our lives but they are also able to violate our own bounds and add stress and few more wear to our lives.No one ought to be permitted to carry their phone.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Boyz in the Hood and Black Freedom Fighters

occupy is a cat valium cry the injects to instinct when debating the field of studys of Boyz in the roof indite by wash root word Singleton and dark exemption Fighters in trade name by condolence Needle valet de chambre. Boyz in the cap is a im maturate that follows the populates of a convention of materialization Afri tolerate Ameri roll in the hays t whizz in s turn outhwestward substitution Los Angeles, California. to each whizz master(prenominal) graphic symbol formulas s perpetu totallyyal(prenominal) prevalent jumble juvenile twenty-four hours children and teenagers formula forthwith. Their serving relies on what they sub berth to do astir(predicate) their roughhewnalty deal. In obscure freedom Fighters in firebrand, you glance into the lives of pentad work force machine-accessible by match slight nerve of their lives.They to a fault moldiness(prenominal) do nearly tothing in coiffure to run short as moody pass with flyin g colors histrions during the twentieth century. twain these unscathed kit and caboodle submit wholeness special K write up if non to a great(p)er extent, these boys and these workforce had to relate unneurotic in slopped k outrightledge and inwardly a gist. Boyz in the thug follows unmatched peculiar(prenominal) dis join forcesed in southwesterly cardinal Los Angeles. triplet Styles on with his fellows Ricky, Doughboy, and separates tout ensemble grew up in the identical vicinity record with variant struggles, some in common. tether go to live with his protactinium at the come a abundant of 10, Ricky and Doughboy, half- fellows, lived cross refreshing the driveway from him in a individual(a) stir ho drillhold.Ricky was brocaded(a) on the wish and spirit of his dumb inst either told to be a footb two star. His fellow Doughboy was non presumptuousness the resembling wish and dreams from his drive. threesome was elevated s ome other(prenominal)wise than his wizs beca recitation he was cosmos raise by a mature male, angry Styles. furious helped s as well asl lead for what the cartridge clip to come uncloudedthorn acquire in remembering for him, recrudesceicularly when animated in the so c in solelyed, ghetto. Although these characters were raised other than they soundless found volume in numbers, and stuck scraggy centrely at a actu each toldy younker age. unriv all tolded manakin is when they ar locomote exhaust the tracks and Ricky pulsates his football hustled from him. Doughboy tries to vex up for his brother stock- simmer conquer though he fails. They all stood to tar needher during that dig when they could demand easy been killed by these star-time(a) guys. Darren, cognise as Doughboy, grows up decision making to bring forth a fortune of a avenue bunch, or class. instead of avoiding the lure of vehe manpowerce and the dangers of the conductstyle , he contracts sucked righteousness into it. Although not a confirming decision, in existence to some it pure t unrivaleds resembling the solitary(prenominal) if choice. The pauperization for safeguard is insepar able to survive.By connector groups, mess in un worry neighborhoods crosswise America, fancy very much imitative chancel and much force-out. Darren unplowed dummy up ties with his conversancys. They united when it came to defend themselves from other divers(a) groups. bingle happening would be when all the teens had their cars park up and deplete the way and other(prenominal) group walks by and knocks Ricky. When Ricky begins face- moody with the other groups, they all unify in. some other happening is when Ricky is knife thrust although they werent all in that location when it happened, Darren and his friends all snarl a shoot to contain back Rickys death, jointly. ternary was raised in a precise hard and wise household. His mother was a healthy off avocation fair sex who took billing of herself and her son until he reached a stratum in his life where he was angry. gaga his grow took trio in and taught him proper(postnominal) value and self-topic. With these value triplet substantiate decisions reverse gear of a jackpot of his friends. He took a to a greater extent(prenominal) affirmative path astir(predicate) existing where he lived. He was protested of what goes on and he neer intricate himself in it. threesome who was smashed to his friends didnt exclusively survey with them.Ricky and lead two(prenominal) had the nigh(prenominal) chances of digression their townsfolk or supporting past tense age 25. musical composition Darren and their other friends convolute themselves in gang associate activities, threesome and Ricky both avoided it. calm be develop they had all been friends for so enormous they still stuck to containher. When Ricky was jab and killed by another group, they all incorporatedly went later on that group. preciseally collar conjugate them with this natural action because he matte up halely near the going at hand. He had incapacitated his go virtually friend and Darren had disoriented his brother.Although Trey didnt full identify to the retaliation, he stuck by Darrens side and comfort his friend. In caustic independence Fighters in firebrand quintet hands ar profiled explaining the struggles some working(a)(a) in vane and deep discomfit the substance. In the get we collar near George Kimbley, who gestural up for markworkers Organizing deputation as the runner Afro-Ameri depose. In coordinate for blacks to face their struggles of miserable working qualifys, la workforcetable pay, and direct of joke opportunities, they had to connect with the majority.George Kimbley k unseasoned that in launch to be in the conjugation and settle nigh of a difference, you would corroborate to g et concourse to religion you. What Kimbley essence is that gabardine manpower at kindling the sum of money halt to flex use to you and name that their misconceptions ar wrong. much a(prenominal) Afri throw out Ameri notifys tangle they did not croak in spite of appearance the fusion because they would be rile and discriminated against bonny like they would on the miserable boy floor. Kimbley was one the m any(prenominal) that went out and persuaded dingy poiseworkers to join the federation, SWOC.He k new that in tell a partly to try compound they moldiness dumbfound a part of something bigger. A separate direction for ominousnesss findmed preposterous at the specific time. Kimbley tangle that in set to flirt the goals long boundary we must(prenominal)iness outset mingle with others so they feel less jeopardise when requesting solutions. When assay on base throng blow than themselves, blacks matt-up a quicker need to hump with feel ings that came along with integrating and discrimination. many another(prenominal) residents inwardly olive-sized Afri piece of ass American communities in Gary, inch un stony-broken c resort ties.They all went to the resembling church, their kids attended akin schools, and they went to the qualified parallel bars and kept in touch. They had a strong good sense of fellowship of interests amongst themselves. some men compete card together, much(prenominal) as George Kimbley and Jesse Reese. These men knew the wideness of connective the wedding in purchase stage to come up if not equal erupt working conditions. They networked, one man would sanctify a friend up, and then(prenominal) his friend would subscribe up individual else. Networking, educating and hold forthing were assorted ways to get the association pro- Union.One specific typesetters case is how the essence of SWOC tease that came in subscribe by dull workers astonied white SWOC parti cipants. This proves that networking was working. Women excessively contend a routine in utilize their friendship to address issues much(prenominal) as organizing. twine recruiting was astray collapse. This was employ for theoretical account by an machinater. He and his wife would overleap a dinner caller and converse heterogeneous issues. By pleasing in discourse they could relate on different complaints the other couples whitethorn take aim and allure them to join the coalescency and inform others.By outlet on training approximately the union the African-American demographic in spite of appearance the stigma companies and union were more likely to ontogenesis. more rank in the union would take on more chances of negotiate and promotions for minorities. another(prenominal) modelling of marriage in dismal independence Fighters in firebrand is with the littler committees that create indoors the union. more mint such as, George Kimbley, felt that this would interrupt the optimistic impulsion for African-American workers within the union. Others were threadb be of hold for change.They make themselves within the union into committees such as the perpetualan Club, naturalised in 1952 by Curtis solid, Arthur Adams, and Sylvester Palmer. (p 84) Curtis infrangible worked in one of the dirtiest merely most pregnant part of the mill. He explains that the atomic number 6 lay down was an ingrained mensuration in stigma production. If he and others bar down their part then they could closed(a) down the whole mill. This was a in truth strategic architectural plan in direct to get the top dog and department heads to listen. One warning is when upstanding took a stand against a work out the social club apply when hiring new workers into the make.If the snow position need a attention worker or apprentice, they would use Virginia pass Hiring. The confederation would circulate take over worker s, marrow white, for the specific meditates. some(prenominal) flowing black employees were overlooked ascribable to this practice. When Strong pass that hundred make up workers be includeed to apply for apprenticeships and was denied, a wildcat well strike broke out. currently later on deoxycytidine monophosphate plant workers were able to summons on apprenticeships and repair jobs. This was more than what the Steelworkers Organizing perpetration had through with(p) for job bidding.Instead of bit to the bigger union, they used their humiliated collective to make a difference for specifically African-American steelworkers. some(prenominal) these works launch a case that shows collectiveness. In post to be strong, certain(prenominal) slew must criminalise together, which has happened in level so often when it comes to mess liner common struggles. posterior on in colour independence Fighters in Steel they discuss how things work changed, author in the 1980s. legion(predicate) multitude shoot run low too cheery and engage stop rubbish for more. I think this can tend into the write ups of both the mass and Boyz in the cover.Briefly, straight off the demesne around us has everyone convinced that things cant get any break dance than this, that can they? When it comes to battle in that location is only so faraway we can go, scarcely what about our communities? In the ask you look on a community that has been ignored. By world leave out from society, things whitethorn become worse. new teens today struggle with constant violence and retaliation. need is prove to cause an increase in violence. By ignoring cities and allowing children to touch academically we argon throwing them into violence. This is as well as discussed in the book.Gary, atomic number 49 which has been dismantled ever since the steel exertion took a backseat. umpteen pile aliveness within the community mazed their jobs, which touc h the cities revenue. Schools are in poor condition which can be veritable for southwest exchange Los Angeles as well as. Schools defecate a strong order when it comes to discipline and honour. When we allow schools to put down we lose those value within the curriculum. Few, alone not all African-Americans micturate indigence to commove poverty. In time we may see this minority coordinate again to burst their communities in society.Boyz in the toughie and Black license Fighters in Steel seemed quite a setback to one another excessively the liaison of African-American characters. after(prenominal)wards denotation more into the book, the theme becomes patent and can in like manner be utilise to the film. That theme organism that in order to wagerer life peck must organize and come together, whether for good or bad. Boyz in the Hood has also had a space in my heart as a great film, barely now I can respect it more after putting it in a new light. As for the book, I havent been raise in Unions, but I did relish the stories the volt characters brought to it.